
[World Photography Day] Top 5 Best Smartphone For Photography 2020.

[World Photography Day] Top 5 Best Smartphone For Photography 2020.


Don’t buy a mobile just by looking at more pixels of the camera, these eight smartphones are the best for photography, find out why.Expert advice: beware of mobile processor, graphic processor required, also see aperture,Color variation and color quality parameters should be considered, pixel density is also important.

[World Photography Day] Top 5 Best Smartphone For Photography 2020.

Today (August 19) is World Photography Day. Photographs are the most important part of our lives. It is rare for us to go anywhere and not click a photo. Today everyone wants to click important moments in the camera. Mobile cameras make this task easier. Mobile cameras for photography make up for the shortcomings of the D-SLR camera. 
That’s why when we go to the market to buy a mobile, the first thing we want to know about the camera feature is how many mega pixels is the camera? What is the resolution? Is the camera HD or not? How do selfie cameras work? “Every time we take a mobile phone for the purpose of photography, the mega pixels have to do with image size, not quality,” said Lalit Mishra, a tech expert from Delhi. That’s why you shouldn’t buy a smartphone just by looking at more pixels. Before buying a phone, it is important to know the aperture of the phone. Will be as low as aperture, That would be so good. Auto focus lenses are also required.
Image Source:- Divybhasker
On Photography Day we will tell you about the best camera smartphones available in the country. The price of each of these phones is between 9-10 thousand to 40 thousand rupees.
What are the things to keep in mind while buying a mobile?
  • According to Lalit Mishra, a multi-processor smartphone should be taken for photography. The processor has two features, a data processor and a graphic processor. Many phones have a data processor but no graphic processor. That’s why taking a mobile with a graphic processor.
  • For good performance, at least a phone with a quad core processor should be taken. Now a mobile with octa core processor has also arrived. Processors in the ARM Cortex category offer 30 percent better performance in their range. The camera in such a phone works very fast and does real time processing.
  • Lalil Mishra said that smartphones with more storage and RAM do better photography. Color framing is required, as pixels do not support all colors.
  • Color variation and color quality parameters should also be looked at. Pixel density should also be taken into account. This is written in the feature section of Vivo and Apple’s mobile.
  • When taking a mobile, pay special attention to whether it has AI feature support or not. The sensitivity of the light is important when clicking photographs, this should take a mobile above ISO-800.
  • Medium range mobile phones have better Vivo and One Plus cameras, which have better color correction due to the AI ​​feature. There should also be a light sensing feature.
  • If you want to do natural photography and experience live color, be aware of the pixel density. At the same time, the smoothness of the gradient of the color variation should also be taken into consideration.

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